Friday, June 01, 2012

School's out!

Oops! It's been a long time since I blogged. Apologise if this post is not coherent, I've only slept about 3-4 hours. Why? Partly because I felt like it, but also since the sun's out early, it usually wakes me up. Also, I was playing table-tennis/ping-pong with Hao and Scott until late (sorry I don't know how to spell Scott's Chinese name).

A lot has happened since. I've hosted two German guys, a Polish girl, a Canadian girl and my Polish friend from the UK who I lived with during my internship. I've finished my year here at Chalmers University of Technology! This is where you have mixed feelings that school is over but you need to say goodbye to lots of friends. Also, it was weird the first few days as it felt like I should be studying, especially since everyone back at my home university are only just about to start exams next week.

Last week was more or less summer, with the maximum temperatures between 21-26ºC. It's good if you have nothing to do and can chillax and enjoy the weather. However, if you have to study, then you don't really want it to be more than 21ºC as otherwise your room is too hot and you cannot concentrate. This happened to me when I was writing my take home exam. I just managed to get it done before the 23:59 deadline. I was always ahead of schedule on the previous ones, yet I did have an exam the day before this take home exam. Anyway, after all this, I managed to be able to spend some time with my friend Piotr (English equivalent would be Peter) travelling around Gothenburg, checking out the southern archipelago by bike as well as being at the peak of the Botanical Gardens, enjoying the peace and silence out there in the sun, until other tourists joined. My legs ached at the end of all this sightseeing as we had cycled nearly everywhere for the whole day, everyday, but it was worth it.

What else has happened? Well, I'm quite sure you've all heard that Sweden won the Eurovision contest last Saturday. The UK were far from winning, but at least I thought I could join in on the celebrations of Sweden winning, wondering what happens when you are in the winning country. Although not a lot of Swedes were interested and no one was really celebrating around the city. Lots of interesting entries and cultures, with the Russians being a memorable one.

A few weeks back, GöteborgsVarvet took place around the city, half-marathon. I was invited by Bea to come and watch and I thought, why not? I had a lot of work to do, but I thought I could spare a few hours and watch since you don't always get a chance to do so. I live in London and have never gone to see the London Marathon, so this was a good time to check it out live rather than watch it on television. It's got me interested and possibly I'm thinking of running a marathon at some point.

What other crazy ideas do I have? Well, I would like to become fluent in French and Swedish. I've done French for 5 years at school, and at the time I thought it was pointless to learn another language as I would never leave England. Well, that backfired! Also, since I've lived in Sweden for 9 months, and fallen in love with Gothenburg, I feel that I should learn Swedish as I have some vocabulary already. Moreover, it's to prove a point that I can learn another language if I put my mind to it, especially outside the country. Let's see if I can do it!

Now, I'm just going to sit in Gothenburg and wait for a response from a potential company if I have secured an internship. To get one in Sweden is unlikely, and there is nothing suitable here. I've kind of started clearing out stuff (I love to collect stuff that others throw away and fix them up!) and have got my suitcase open ready for packing. Now I just need to fill it up and see how much I can fit in one suitcase and what I'll do with everything else.

That's it from me for now. Let me know how good or bad my English was in this post. 

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